Sunday, May 4, 2014

Who invited them?

The days were passing by so quickly now that Penny was in the house Micah barely ever had a moment to sit down and relax between going to work and taking care of his baby girl. The little down time he did have that wasn't reserved for sleep always seemed to be taken over by some kind of disaster lately as well. For example the bathtub springing a leak. 

Luckily when he did have to work he was less worried about Penny then he had expected to be since he had called everyone he knew in search of the perfect baby sitter. Anderson had turned out to be just as good as every one had told him he would be. Even when the boy watched TV he made sure to keep the baby happy.

All too soon for Micah it was the day before Penny's birthday. He looked at his little girl and smiled. "You are growing up way too fast little one." He told her and she gurgled back at him pulling on his chin. 


"I told you I'd be here!" Ella said with a wave and a smile as she rushed into the house just moments before the candles were blown out. Micah chuckled for her benefit but on the inside sighed with relief, it was a lot harder to see each other then he had originally anticipated and this was the first time Ella had seen Penny since her birth.
"Alright little one here we go." He whispered to Penny as he leaned down to blow out her candles.

After some sparkles Penny was suddenly a toddler and by the look on her face Micah had a feeling she was going to be a silly little girl. 

"Hello cutie pie." He cooed picking her up before being tapped on the shoulder. 
"Have you heard about these abductions?" Kelsey Ramos asked him.
"What abductions?"
"Hello, have you been under a rock ALIENS MAN! They are popping up everywhere!!" He exclaimed. "A buddy of mine says he knows a guy who came back and turned up pregnant!"
"That's not even humanly possible." Micah rolled his eyes.
"Its Aliens dude anything is possible." He said seeming a bit grumpy.

Penny watched the man warily. Even though she was only a baby she knew this man wasn't wrong in what he was saying but she also knew her dad was strong in his belief of science. Although she also knew that his belief would be tested in the years to come by many others as well as herself.

As the cowboy finally found someone else to spout conspiracies at Penny shivered as she watched the moon rise in the window behind her father. Sure she knew everyone was going to be just fine but that didn't stop her from getting a little freaked out about what was about to stumble threw the door.

Of course her daddy was kind enough to distract her with the claw.

Ella was not the least bit scared by the zombies that had crashed her daughters birthday in fact she found it quite amusing to tease them as they attempted to "attack her". 

Once she bored of that she decided to launch and attack on Micah, he didn't really seem to mind all that much. 

Penny wasn't sure it was proper parenting to leave her alone with a zombie and had she been any other child she might have screamed and cried when the zombie growled in her direction.

Besides it was only a matter of time before the zombie wandered into her fathers room. 
"Rawr." Micah mocked the zombie. "You know they are quite fascinating actually we've been trying to study them at the facility but it's next to impossible since the curse is only during the moon and the subjects have no memory of their events during that time." He told Ella who rolled her eyes. 
"One of these days I'm going to manage a study." He said with determination before going back to taunting the poor zombie.

Zombie attacks aside the birthday party was a success and they all made it to bed safely that night. 


LOL so that was the first time I had ever seen a sim taunt a zombie I probably spent a good five minutes laughing while taking those pictures. (I'm very easily amused.) Sorry if I'm going a bit fast with the aging up of Penny but pretty much nothing happened between her birth and becoming a child aside from a promotion for Micah. Also I know that I have been pretty much spamming chapters but I just have been on a roll with this legacy and I don't want to be too far ahead in game. Thank you for reading :-)


  1. You've not chapter spammed until you've done almost a week straight ;)

    See, this is why my sims never throw parties. I'm scared that there will be cowboys or zombies to ruin the dramatic thing I'm trying to keep up, haha.
    However, the question still stands... Who did invite the zombies?

    1. Lol I guess when you throw a party anyone can just walk right in including zombies because he sure didn't invite either of them.
